By 1808Delaware

The number of students and staff reported by Delaware County schools as having new infections of COVID-19 was almost exactly the same as the week before, according to numbers released on Thursday by the Ohio Department of Health.

Last week, those figures showed a total of 60 students and 24staff, for a grand total of 84. On the previous Thursday, that same total stood at 129.

The largest number of infections came from the district with the largest enrollment, Olentangy Local Schools.

This week, the total number of school cases is 80, including 58 students and 22 staff members. Schools reporting gave the following figures:

  • Big Walnut – 12 stdents, 1 staff
  • Buckeye Valley – 2 students
  • DACC – 3 students, 1 staff
  • Delaware City – 3 students, 5 staff
  • Olentangy – 38 students, 15 staff

As always, we share the admonition that, according to the Ohio Department of Health, “A report of COVID-19 should not be interpreted as an indicator that a school district or school isn’t following proper procedures—school cases can be a reflection of the overall situation in the broader community. Families and staff should always feel free to ask questions of the school district or school.”

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

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