By 1808Delaware

As a part of materials given to members of Sunbury City Council and to attendees at the Council meeting last week, the Sunbury Police Department shared a report concerning recent departmental activities, business, and other news.

Items shared included the following:

A cruiser that was ordered in February of 2022 is ready to arrive, and the person received a call from Tim Lalley Chevrolet last week that they can expect the Tahoe at the end of March or beginning April. They have also contacted Parr Emergency Equipment and let them know they need to get parts ordered in for the cruiser to be upfitted around mid to late April.

A meeting was held on February 14 with the city attorney, labor attorney, and several people to discuss the roles of the personnel board of appeals and determine that the board of appeals and board of review is the same board. They are working as a group to determine what rules they need to establish for the board or council to adopt and be used by the board in moving forward to help with the hiring process as well as certain discipline issues.

Two computers went down in cruisers in the last couple of weeks prior to the report, and Tony with Edge and Officer Alexander have worked together to replace hard drives and patch them to work for now. However, Tony stated that these tablets need replacing as they are outdated (6 and 7 years old). There are funds budgeted for 2 new computers in the cruiser funds as part of the upfitting, and they need to order 3 (2 new cars and 1 replacement) of these tablets as they take 2 to 3 months to get in. The cost will be around $9,000.00 for the order, but $6,000.00 of that is already budgeted with the additional $3,000.00 replacement was not planned for.

Several reports of thefts from new homes being built in several different areas have been received. These thefts are happening all around the county, and most are likely happening during the day. If anyone is driving through these areas and sees something that looks out of place or suspicious, they are encouraged to call and report it.

The direct number to call to report suspicious activity is 740-833-2800, and this number will get them straight to a Delaware County Sheriff’s Office dispatcher.

Source, Photo: City of Sunbury

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