The ongoing pandemic has brought a new awareness of the usefulness of technology to connect people with information and events. Case in point — even as the pandemic abates somewhat, virtual exhibitions, concerts, and events continue to bring the world into your own home.

Take Westerville City Schools, for instance. More than 200 drawings, paintings, sculptures and other pieces students across the district and created this school year are now on virtual display as part of the annual art show sponsored by the district and the Arts Council of Westerville.

The virtual art show, which will be live through the month of April, honors the work of students and their teachers. The show can be viewed here.

“Teachers are so grateful to have a vehicle to showcase the talent of student artists in Westerville,” said Juls Rathje, an art teacher at Genoa and Heritage middle schools. “The art show offers families an opportunity to engage and see the outstanding achievement of students from kindergarten to 12th grade.”

She worked with Dr. Jan Fedorenko, a retired Westerville elementary principal and education coordinator for the Arts Council of Westerville to gather 10 art submissions from each of the schools and volunteer David Henry created the video slideshows that are housed on the arts council’s website.

The arts council recognizes April as Arts Month and the district-wide art show is among a series of events and activities the group sponsors to celebrate arts in Westerville.

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