As a regular feature here on 1808Delaware, we’re going to in deeper on topics that have two things in common:

First, these will be topics which have the capacity to impact the lives of a number of Delaware Countians; and second, these will be matters that take a period of time to unfold or develop, and which tend to draw media attention in the process.

We’re calling this feature “In Depth.”

For each topic, we will be collecting and sharing media coverage on an ongoing basis about that issue from as many sources as we can find. This means that you can always access the topic page for the latest on that particular area. This will include stories on all sides of a given subject.

In Depth topic pages are accessible through a dropdown in the top 1808Delaware menu on desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Our first page is up and running and focuses on the proposed Planet Oasis development near the I-71 and 36/37 interchange.

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