By 1808Delaware

As you access 1808Delaware over the coming weeks, you may notice a few changes.

We love being a part of the Delaware County community. That shared, we are obviously aware that the interconnection between the county and the northern parts of Columbus is remarkably strong. Commuters travel back and forth each day, and Delaware Countians routinely shop in Franklin County and vice versa.

In recognition of that fact, we are going to be expanding our focus a bit to bring in the northern suburbs of Columbus, such as Dublin and Worthington, as well as the I-270 northern corridor.

We’re still focusing our primary attention on Delaware, Powell, Sunbury, Galena, Lewis Center, Ostrander, and Westerville.

The first change you will see this weekend is that we will now be including Franklin County road project updates from ODOT alongside our regular Delaware County updates.

As always, we’re happy to share information about your organization, government, and/or school with our readers, and also welcome suggestions for coverage and content. You can reach us at: [email protected].

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