By the City of Westerville

The City of Westerville is evaluating its next steps in broadband, which includes studying opportunities for expansion and factors related to access, cost and speed. Any initiative to come from these studies would build upon the success of WeConnect, the City’s fiber network and data center service hub.

WeConnect offers world-class support for commercial data management needs. In the future, WeConnect could offer residential services as another community amenity and expand broadband services for Westerville companies and workforce.

Completing this survey should take about five minutes.

Your response is strictly confidential, and your email will not be matched to any data provided. The City’s interests are centered on what the community as a whole feels about broadband services and amenities in Westerville. The results will help us better understand residential and business community priorities, as well as levels of satisfaction with Internet services.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have questions about this survey or how it will be used, please contact us at (614) 901-6700 or [email protected].

Share your thoughts:


The City also needs to understand  current broadband speeds received by residences and businesses throughout the City. Click here to take the speed test survey

Source: City of Westerville; Image by Renato Nardella from Pixabay

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