By 1808Delaware

The City of Powell is on a quest to communicate.

To that end, City Council set forth a comprehensive set of goals for 2023, aimed at enhancing community engagement and information dissemination. The Council aims to assist city departments in communicating various initiatives and programs, maintain regular interactions with senior leadership, continue outreach programs, and establish the city’s public information as a reliable community asset.

Fourth Quarter Focus: What’s on the Horizon

As it moves into the last quarter of the year, the Communications Department is zeroing in on several key areas. These include developing supporting communications for upcoming projects, drafting the 2023 strategic communications plan, reviewing the scope for the 2024 website redesign, and finalizing the budget and larger departmental project planning. One of the most notable projects is the kick-off for the 2024 website redesign, which will see the city’s website move to Granicus, a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the public sector.

Community Events in the Spotlight

The department is also actively promoting local events like the Powell Fall Festival and Food Drive. Collaborations are underway with the Clerk of Council to determine the community presentation schedule for 2024, ensuring that residents are well-informed about what’s happening in their locality.

Social Media Metrics: A Mixed Bag

The Communications Department has released its social media analytics for October 2023, and the numbers present a mixed picture. On the positive side, the City of Powell’s Facebook page saw an increase of 280 followers, bringing the total to 11,290. The Parks and Recreation page also gained 133 new followers. LinkedIn and Nextdoor platforms have also seen moderate growth.

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The reach on Facebook and Instagram has decreased by 20.8% and 27.5% respectively. Visits to the profiles have also seen a decline, with Facebook down by 10.7% and Instagram by a staggering 36.7%. Despite these setbacks, new likes and follows on Facebook have increased by 16.3%, suggesting that the department’s efforts to engage the community are not going unnoticed.

Looking Ahead

Given the fluctuating social media metrics, the Communications Department is likely to revisit its strategies for community engagement. The upcoming strategic communications plan for 2023 and the 2024 website redesign offer promising avenues for improving reach and interaction with the community.

By aligning with the Council’s goals and focusing on key areas, the Communications Department aims to navigate these digital waves adeptly, ensuring that Powell’s residents are always in the loop.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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