By 1808Delaware

Excitement is building for outdoors lovers in central Ohio as a new retailer opens a new store in Delaware County.

The new Dick’s Public Lands is set to open on November 5. When it does so, it will be only the second to open anywhere in the country. This September, the first Public Lands welcomed customers to a location near Pittsburgh.

The new store will be at 1510 Polaris Parkway, Suite B, the former home of Field & Stream. According to the chain’s brand-new website, Dick’s Public Lands has this mission:

“We exist to celebrate and protect public lands. We believe these national treasures are meant to be explored by everyone, protected and celebrated so they may live on for generations.”
Each Public Lands store has 50,000 square feet in size, and will feature individual shops specializing in biking, camping, skiing, climbing, hiking, and fishing. Also included at Polaris will be a 30 foot high climbing wall.

In-store gear repair will also be available.

Industry experts see the move as Dick’s attempt to identify more closely with bike and hike-oriented customers, a sector of the sporting economy which has been growing with the pandemic.

The Public Lands website also shares news of a $500 sign-on bonus at the Polaris location.

Image by 7163893 from Pixabay

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