Polaris Fashion Place continues its evolution as the world of bricks-and-mortar and online retailing continues to evolve at a quick pace.

One new store which opened in the mall on August 29 is sharing a very new product line. Seventh Sense Botanical Therapy is offering “unique wellness options” through a line of CDB products available for purchase at its “botanical boutique.”

CBD refers to one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants, and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. Hemp-dervied CBD is legal to sell as an ingredient for cosmetics.

According to the chain’s website, CBD has been around for all of human history, and new uses are being identified for it. Products offered at the new store include body lotions, balms, body wash, bath salts and bombs, and others.

Seventh Sense Botanical Therapty is located on the mall’s Lower Level.

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