By 1808Delaware

Do you live within 20 miles of Polaris Fashion Place?

If so, same day delivery is now available from several mall merchants through a new arrangement between Polaris Fashion Place and

Through the end of September, that service is available for free.

The process is a straight-forward one. You can access CbuShops via the link prominently displayed on the mall website or directly here.

The ordering process is profiled here, both for standard orders and also for custom orders.

On the CbusShops website, founder Jack Hendrix describes the new partnership and delivery service this way:

“Beyond helping the businesses associated with the shopping mall industry, we also aim to play an important role in our nation’s move toward improved sustainability. We do not typically hire delivery drivers who are not already working at the shopping mall where their deliveries begin. Why add another car to our roadways when mall employees are already driving home after leaving work? Our drivers deliver packages to our customers located on or near their route home. We call our strategy Hub-to-Home and it’s a winner for everyone.”

Polaris Fashion Place is the only mall in central Ohio currently offering this service.

For more information, visit the website.

Source: Polaris Fashion Place Mall, CBusShops

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