At its annual Winter Conference, held Nov. 18-20 in Columbus, the Ohio Recorders Association and incoming ORA president Ann Block of Monroe County appointed Delaware County Recorder Melissa Jordan to the association’s Continuing Education Committee for the upcoming year.

“I am honored by the appointment to the Continuing Education Committee by our new ORA President, Recorder Block,” Jordan said, “and to be entrusted with the important task of working with fellow committee members and bringing innovative ideas to the table for future Continuing Education opportunities for Ohio Recorders statewide.”

The Continuing Education Committee is a bipartisan board made up of seven County Recorders from across the state of Ohio who collaborate on the development and implementation of education and training opportunities for all members of the Ohio Recorders’ Association.

In Delaware County, Jordan has been instrumental in developing the Good Deeds program, which aims to help county property owners ensure they have survivorship deeds for their real estate and vehicles. Jordan also has expanded the reach of the Veterans ID program. Vet IDs are an easy-to-carry identification card that veterans can use to prove their eligibility for various benefits.

For more information about the Office of the Delaware County Recorder, visit its website at:

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