By 1808Delaware

Delaware County residents have been turning their kitchen leftovers into nutrient-rich soil, thanks to the innovative “Compost It” program. The initiative has gained significant recognition, recently earning the Keep Ohio Beautiful Pilot Program Award. This accolade is a testament to the community’s commitment to environmental sustainability and waste reduction.

Abbey Trimble, the Delaware Public Health District program manager, accepted the Keep Ohio Beautiful Pilot Program Award on behalf of Keep Delaware County Beautiful and its partners, reflecting the collaborative spirit of the initiative.

Award-Winning Environmental Efforts

The “Compost It” program stands out for its impressive impact over the past year. Since its inception, it has successfully diverted over 30,000 pounds of food scraps from local landfills, an achievement that speaks volumes about the community’s dedication to the cause. The program’s approach to recycling food waste into compost underscores a pivotal shift towards sustainable living practices in Delaware County.

How “Compost It” Works

The program operates on a simple yet effective model. Residents can obtain a compost bucket from either Price Farms Organics or the City of Delaware Public Works office. They can fill these buckets with a variety of food scraps, including everything from fruits and vegetables to meat bones and dairy products. When full, the buckets can be taken to Price Farms Organics for proper composting.

Key Program Guidelines

The program encourages residents to follow certain guidelines to ensure the composting process is efficient and effective:

  • Yes to Composting: All kinds of food, including raw and cooked scraps, meat, bones, and even paper towels, can be composted.
  • Pro Tips for Composting: Lining the bucket with newspaper and keeping it in the freezer prevents odors and pests.
  • No to Contamination: Plastics, produce stickers, and non-compostable items should not be included to avoid contamination.

Community Participation and Acknowledgment

The program is open to all City of Delaware and Delaware County residents, providing a cost-free solution to waste management.

  • Pick-Up: Compost buckets can be obtained and returned to Price Farms Organics, Ltd. or City of Delaware Public Works.
  • Locations & Hours: The offices are open on weekdays with varying hours, and Price Farms Organics also operates for a few hours on Saturday.

A Step Towards a Sustainable Future

The “Compost It” program’s success is a shining example of how local initiatives can make a tangible difference in environmental conservation. It encourages other communities to follow suit, turning everyday waste into a resource that benefits the earth.

For more information about the program and how you can participate, visit Price Farms Organics or the City of Delaware Public Works website.

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