By 1808Delaware

The planning work has been done, and now it’s time for citizens to provide input and comment as Delaware looks to its future.

At Monday evening’s meeting of Delaware City Council, Director of Planning & Community Development Dave Efland shared next steps relating to the Delaware Together Plan. He described the plan as a written expression of who and what Delaware wants to be as a community in the next 15 years. The goal of the process, Efland emphasized, is to align fiscal resources with planning.

Some 2,000 ideas were shared in the drafting process, he said, with the draft plan including 6 goals, 60 objectives, and over 230 separate action items.

The last phase, before the Delaware Together Plan it is submitted to the Planning Commission for a recommendation and ultimately to City Council, is for the community itself to have the opportunity to register their opinions on its contents, specifically the objectives and action items.

The process has been moved online.

At, which is now live, the draft plan can be read and responses made. The site will be open to accept comments from now through February 12.

Photo: 1808Delaware

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