By 1808Delaware

When Delaware City Council meets in a Special Work Session on Monday evening, it will look at an Attainable Housing Proposal presented by Vice-Mayor Kent Shafer.

That discussion will be preceded by remarks by City Manager Tom Homan, Gina Grote on behalf of the Delaware County Housing Alliance, and Scott Wolf of the Delaware Metropolitan Housing Authority.

Homan’s remarks have already been made available by the City, and present the background of the housing proposal:

Monday’s work session will be devoted to the topic of housing affordability and Vice Mayor Shafer’s Attainable Housing Proposal, which he shared with Council in early April and is attached.

This approach to incentivizing rental housing by abating taxes is being used extensively by the City of Columbus. An overview of the Columbus program is also attached.

For further background on the housing affordability issue in Central Ohio, I have attached a presentation that was given to the Central Ohio Mayor and Managers Association earlier this year.

The first part of the meeting will include a presentation by Gina Grote, Vice President, United Way of Delaware County. The presentation will focus on the work of the recently formed Delaware County Housing Alliance. This will include the strategies they are focusing on and the action items they have prioritized by committee. They will also drill down to the affordable/attainable workforce housing issues in Delaware City and discuss the economic benefits to the community by providing these options. This link will take you to the Alliance’s Story Map- Delaware County.

Discussion will also include the work of the Delaware Metropolitan Housing Authority and their work in administering the Housing Choice Voucher Program. This is the federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants are able to find their own housing, including single-family homes, townhomes, and apartments.

The second part of the meeting will focus on Vice Mayor Shafer’s proposal. Planning and Community Development Director, Dave Efland will wrap up the meeting by reviewing the recommendations of Delaware Together, the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

Links to attachments:

Attainable Housing Proposal
Columbus Program Overview
Central Ohio Mayor and Managers Association Presentation
Delaware Together Goal D

The meeting will take place at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers.

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