By 1808Delaware

At Monday night’s meeting, the Delaware City Council will be addressing several key issues that will shape the future of the city. Here’s a breakdown of the public hearings, ordinance readings, and resolutions that will be considered. Residents can attend the meeting in person or stream it live online.

Public Hearings on Ordinances

Ordinance No. 24-53: Amendments to City Charter The council will conduct a public hearing and second reading of Ordinance No. 24-53, which proposes amendments to the Delaware City Charter. This ordinance is marked as an emergency, indicating its immediate importance.

Ordinance No. 24-54: Creation of the Department of Information and Technology The second reading of Ordinance No. 24-54 will establish a new Department of Information and Technology. This initiative aims to streamline and enhance the city’s tech infrastructure.

Ordinance No. 24-55: Office of Management, Budget, and Procurement Ordinance No. 24-55, also in its second reading, proposes the creation of an office dedicated to management, budgeting, and procurement. This move is expected to improve fiscal oversight and efficiency within city operations.

Ordinance No. 24-58: Rezoning Amendment for Channing Street Homes Ordinance No. 24-58 involves a request by Channing Street Homes, LLC to rezone 5.732 acres at 50 Channing Street from R-4 PMU to R-PUD. This rezoning aims to facilitate the development of a residential planned unit development, potentially transforming the local housing landscape.

Public Hearings on Resolutions

Resolution No. 24-44: Final Development Plan for Addison Farms Resolution No. 24-44 seeks approval for a final development plan for The Townhomes at Addison Farms (Sub-Area B) Section 2, covering approximately 7.24 acres. This project is located southwest of the Addison Farms North Subdivision and zoned as R-3 PMU.

Resolution No. 24-45: Development Plan for Pittsburgh Flex Resolution No. 24-45 involves a development plan approval request by Pioneer Development for Pittsburgh Flex on a 5.88-acre property zoned M-2 (General Manufacturing District). This plan could significantly impact the local manufacturing sector.

Considerations of Ordinances and Resolutions

Ordinance No. 24-05: Amending Noise Ordinance Ordinance No. 24-05, which amends section 509.10 regarding noise regulations, will be considered. This amendment could address community concerns about noise levels and enhance quality of life.

Ordinance No. 24-59: Final Subdivision Plat for Addison Farms The council will consider Ordinance No. 24-59, which approves a final subdivision plat for The Townhomes at Addison Farms (Sub-Area B) Section 2 on 7.24 acres.

Resolution No. 24-47: Travel Safe Delaware Resolution No. 24-47 proposes the adoption of “Travel Safe Delaware: An Action Plan for Safe Streets,” aiming to improve road safety and reduce traffic-related incidents.

Resolution No. 24-49: Renewal of MOU with Mental Health and Recovery Services Board Resolution No. 24-49 authorizes the renewal of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, continuing essential mental health services for the community.

Resolution No. 24-51 and Ordinance No. 24-60: Income Tax Levy for Capital Improvements Resolution No. 24-51 and Ordinance No. 24-60, both addressing the levy of an additional 0.45% income tax, will be considered. The funds from this tax are intended for capital improvements, street maintenance, and the payment of securities issued for these purposes.

Resolution No. 24-50: Intent to Amend Tax Credit Resolution No. 24-50 signals the council’s intent to amend Section 192.081 related to the tax credit for Delaware City residents, potentially impacting local taxation policies.

Key Bullet Points

  • Charter Amendments: Public hearing and second reading of amendments to the Delaware City Charter (Ordinance No. 24-53).
  • New Departments: Consideration of creating a Department of Information and Technology and an Office of Management, Budget, and Procurement.
  • Rezoning and Development Plans: Public hearings for rezoning amendments and final development plans for residential and manufacturing projects.
  • Noise Ordinance: Amendments to the city’s noise regulations (Ordinance No. 24-05).
  • Income Tax Levy: Consideration of an additional 0.45% income tax for capital improvements and street maintenance.

Attend or Stream the Meeting

Residents can attend the Delaware City Council meeting in person at the City Hall Council Chambers, starting at 7:00 PM. For those who prefer to watch from home, the meeting will be streamed live under “Events” on the Delaware City website.

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