Special to 1812Blockhouse

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) is laying out a plan that looks at the future of outdoor recreation and wants Ohioans to weigh-in on what they want to see.

ODNR developed a draft of its Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) after engaging with public and outdoor recreation providers and conducting a statewide survey. The SCORP is a five-year strategic plan that guides state and local investments for developing and managing outdoor recreation and facilities.

“We know people all around the state love to enjoy the great outdoors in different ways,” ODNR Director Mary Mertz said. “This plan gives us a blueprint for the future and allows us to tailor a plan for outdoor recreation that fits the wants and needs of Ohioans.”

The SCORP priorities include advancing the trail network, enhancing existing recreational facilities, emphasizing recreational opportunities and access to waterways, raising awareness about recreation opportunities, and protecting the natural environment. Once complete, it will serve as a reference document for state officials distributing federal and state grants for public park facilities around the state.

Ohioans can read the draft and provide input by visiting ohiodnr.gov/scorp. Comments will be accepted through the end of August.

Source: ODNR

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