Boardman Arts Park is the place, and Saturday, July 13 is the date, for the return of the Delaware County Beer & Wine Festival.

The Festival, which will take place from 1 PM until 6 PM, will feature numerous activities and events that are designed to create an atmosphere of community and creativity. Just a bit of what will be on offer:

  • A commemorative Festival tasting glass, given to the first 500 ticket holders
  • Breweries and wineries will have several delicious selections to taste of beer, wine, and mead
  • An art show with pottery, jewelry, paintings, home décor, stained glass, and demonstrations
  • Yard games to enjoy with friends
  • The band Six Pack Theory will perform from 2 PM to 4 PM
  • 50/50 raffle
  • Silent auction with gift baskets from the vendors
  • Food for purchase (food trucks and snacks)
  • Bottles and case sales of wine and mead

Free parking will be available. More information and online tickets are available here.

The Boardman Arts Park began in 2017 as a demonstration park and now has evolved into a ongoing community venture bringing the arts, community and new visitors into the city of Delaware.

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