Building Regional Food Hubs,” a conference connecting healthy food, farms and communities, is coming to the campus of the Methodist Theological School in Ohio this Friday.

Registration is just $10 for the event, which will be held from 9 AM to 4 PM; the campus is located at 3081 Columbus Pike south of Delaware. Student registration is free.[widgets_on_pages id=1]

The conference is presented by Methodist Theological School in Ohio, the Ohio State University Initiative for Food and Agricultural Transformation (InFACT), Franklinton Farms, and MTSO’s Seminary Hill Farm. It is supported in part by a Linkage and Leverage grant through InFACT.

The day will connect practitioners, researchers, activists and others engaged in the development of regional food hubs to network and share best practices. Practitioners and researchers will share the findings of a food hub project aimed at improving food access in Columbus, among other learning opportunities.

“Building Regional Food Hubs” is dedicated to the life and work of Patrick Kaufman, who died Sept. 13 at age 40. Kaufman co-founded Franklinton Farms and coordinated MTSO’s Community Food and Wellness Initiative.

Online registration can be accomplished here.

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