It’s a celebration of the season on Saturday, October 27 as the City of Delaware holds a Halloween Party.

Come dressed in your finest ghoulish gear and join our family friendly event. Activities include a trunk or treat, inflatables, live music, costume contest and safety demonstrations from our local fire and police departments. Treats include grilled hot dogs, cookies, a bonfire for roasting marshmallows and a cartload of pumpkins for the picking.[widgets_on_pages id=1]

One free pumpkin per child (11 and under) for the first 500 participants.

The event will take place from 4 to 7 PM at Mingo Park, rain or shine. Parking is limited, so please carpool. No alcohol or costumes with dangerous weapons will be allowed. Bring a bag/pail for trunk or treat.

Check out the Pumpkin Run and Sweet Feat 5K happening at 3pm right before the Party; details are here.

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