The Memorial Day commemoration at Oak Grove Cemetery, located at 334 S. Sandusky Street, will take place on Monday, May 29, starting from 10 AM.

This event, which is planned and coordinated by the local Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1095, will encompass various activities including the presentation of the flag, speeches, the performance of “Taps,” and a rifle and cannon volley. Attendees are kindly asked to bring their own lawn chairs to the event.

In addition, a parade will commence at 9:30 AM at Wakefield Park, as part of the day’s events, which will eventually proceed to Oak Grove Cemetery for the ceremonies​1​.
Moreover, city offices will be closed on May 29 in observation of Memorial Day.

Therefore, residential refuse and recycling collection will follow the “next day” collection schedule for the entire week, starting on Tuesday, May 30, and ending on Saturday, June 3.

For any queries concerning this schedule, residents are encouraged to reach out to the Customer Service Request Line at 740-203-1810 or contact via email at [email protected].

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