By 1808Delaware

Delaware City Council may move the proposed Boulder Farms Development further ahead on Monday night at their regular bi-monthly meeting.

The development, at the southeast corner of US36 and Section Line Road, is the subject of three ordinances. Each of the ordinances is being presented for a Third Reading and possible vote.

Those ordinances would:

  • Rezone 138.4 acres from A-1 (Agricultural District) to A-1 PMU (Agricultural District with a Planned Mixed Use Overlay District).
  • Approve a Conditional Use Permit allowing the placement of a PMU (Planned Mixed Use Overlay Development) to be established for the same acreage.
  • Approve a Preliminary Development Plan for the same parcel.
  • The measures received unanimous approval from the City of Delaware Planning Commission back on August 3.

The development could include 620 residential dwelling units on 128.16 acres, of which 10.24 acres would be commercial development and 46 acres would remain open space. There would be a protect 222 single family detached and 398 multi family dwelling units. This density represents 4.48 units per acre on average.

According to submitted documents, the proposed PMU zoning classification is appropriate because ““A PMU zoning district with development text allows for flexibility and creativity in the layout of the development, creates active and passive open space, and preserves environmental features and trees. While there are certain benefits to the applicant, the PMU overlay also allows greater control of the development by the city by ensuring the development will be executed to a very specific and high-quality standard.”

Planning staff has recommended approval of all three ordinances pending standard approvals. Some roadway and access adjustments are being requested.

A full version of the Boulder Farms proposal can be read here.

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