The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission is amending the State Fiscal Year 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to include changes to the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 Program of Projects.

FTA’s Program of Projects is a list of projects proposed by transit agencies or other recipients for Section 5307 funding, the Urbanized Area Formula Funding program, which provides funding to public transit systems in urbanized areas for public transportation capital, planning, job access and reverse commute projects, as well as operating expenses in certain circumstances.

“Funding for Central Ohio Transit Authority and Delaware County Transit are always included in the TIP, because they operate entirely within the MORPC transportation planning area,” said MORPC Infrastructure Development Manager Nathaniel Vogt.

The planning area includes: Delaware and Franklin counties; Bloom and Violet townships in Fairfield County; New Albany, Pataskala and Etna Township in Licking County; and Jerome Township in Union County.

The Section 5307 funding for the following projects has changed. These changes will be reflected on the December 2020 TIP amendment.

Agency TIP ID ODOT PID Change to Section 5307 Funds
COTA 3289 105118 $2,000,000 in SFY2023 and $2,800,000 in SFY 2024 added for Bus Rapid Transit along the NW Corridor.
COTA 3429 105895 5307 funding for paratransit vehicle replacement removed from SFY2021. 5307 funding increased to $2,009,520 in SFY2023 and reduced to $2,069,600 in SFY2024.
COTA 3736 112116 $6,636,836 in SFY2023 and $10,936,164 in SFY 2024 added for Bus Rapid Transit along the EW Corridor.
COTA 3754 112184 $9,600,000 in SFY 2021 added for Fields Ave Renovation and CNG Conversion
COTA 3753 112195 $16,800,000 in SFY2021 and $22,425,932 in SFY2022 added for McKinley Ave Phase 3C Construction.
COTA 3744 112208 5307 funding for electric busses removed from SFY2023 and SFY2024. Add $1,150,000 in SFY2021 and reduce funding in SFY2022 to $1,013,253.
COTA 3053 99929 5307 funding for bus replacements removed from SFY2021 and SFY2022, and reduced to $11,132,018 in SFY2023 and $11,516,562 in SFY2024.

To view the complete list of Section 5307 Program of Projects on MORPC’s 2021-2024 TIP, visit

“We’re asking the public to review these projects and provide MORPC with feedback,” MORPC Associate Planner Thomas Graham said. “This way, we can take any comments into consideration before the amendment is adopted.”

Comments on the proposed changes can be submitted by email to [email protected] or in writing to MORPC, 111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43215, Attn: Thea Ewing, by 5 PM on Monday, November 30, 2020.

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