Special to 1808Delaware

Touch-a-Truck returns to Delaware County this Saturday, June 8th, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Buckeye Valley High School. The Delaware County Emergency Medical Services Department sponsors this free family event.

Last year, an estimated 2,500 people came to see — and touch — a wide variety of first-responder vehicles, construction equipment and commercial trucks at the school, which is located at 901 Coover Road in Delaware. Organizers are expecting over 50 vehicles this year that kids and kids at heart are welcome to experience and learn more about while meeting the people who use them regularly.

Donations of canned food items and box fans are encouraged and will be collected at the event by People In Need, Inc., of Delaware County.

This year also features representation from FEMA as part of their mission to support Ohioans after the March 14 tornadoes. FEMA hazard mitigation specialist will be outreaching at the event to provide mitigation tips and resources on how to repair and rebuild stronger after severe weather events. They will also be providing information about preparedness best practices to ensure the community is ready for extreme weather in the future. For more information about FEMA’s attendance, contact: [email protected]

For more information about DCEMS and Touch-a-Truck, visit their website at https://ems.co.delaware.oh.us/community-outreach-annual-events/ or follow them on Facebook (@DCEMS) and Instagram (@delcoems).

Source: Delaware County

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