By 1808Delaware

Delaware Countians are obtaining at least one dose of any of the available COVID-19 vaccines at a quicker rate than anywhere else in Ohio.

Statistics reported on Friday by the Ohio Department of Health indicated that 3,985,578 Ohioans have had at least one vaccine shot, representing 34.10% of those eligible. Of those, 2,459,174, or 21.04%, of them have completed their vaccination regimen.

In Delaware County, 91,157 people have received at least one shot. This number is approximately 43.58% of those eligible. 24.90%, or 52,087 of those individuals have received either one shot of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine or two shots of the other two major vaccines.

Counties that surround Richland County had the following percentages for residents who have obtained at least one vaccination shot:

  • Franklin 33.08%
  • Knox 27.25%
  • Licking 31.48%
  • Morrow 25.76%
  • Union 33.97%

The highest such rate in Ohio was in Delaware County (43.58%), with the lowest being in Holmes County (11.69%).

Image by Ali Raza from Pixabay

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