By 1808Delaware

At the same time that the State of Ohio is readying a program to vaccinate teachers and staff of the state’s public schools, and as total Delaware County infection and related rates continue downwards, reported cases in local schools also decreased in the last seven days.

According to information shared on Thursday on, every public school district in the state – except for one – has agreed to resume in-person schooling by March 1 which was a requirement for staff to have early access to the vaccine.

Some 500 K-12 schools whose staff can be vaccinated next week have been notified. All other schools will be contacted tomorrow with information on when their K-12 staff will be permitted to receive a vaccine.

More details on Ohio’s K-12 vaccination process will also be released on Friday. The plan ensures that the maximum number of people can be vaccinated in the shortest amount of time. The plan also makes the process as simple as possible for staff to be vaccinated and is organized to allow most K-12 staff in a county to be vaccinated within seven days of their assigned vaccination start date.

Also on Thursday, few Delaware County schools reported student and staff infections. Those schools who did were:

  • Big Walnut — 12 students, 1 staff
  • Buckeye Valley — 2 students
  • DACC — 3 students, 1 staff
  • Delaware City — 3 students, 5 staff
  • Olentangy — 38 students, 15 staff
  • St. Paul — 2 students, 2 staff

This breakdown represents a total of 60 students and 24 staff, for a grand total of 84. Last week, that same total stood at 129.

As always, we share the admonition that, according to the Ohio Department of Health, “A report of COVID-19 should not be interpreted as an indicator that a school district or school isn’t following proper procedures—school cases can be a reflection of the overall situation in the broader community. Families and staff should always feel free to ask questions of the school district or school.”

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

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