It’s the time of year when everyone is doing the same thing, refocusing and setting goals for 2019. In doing so, consider the opportunities Genoa Township offers for involvement in the community.

Eight resident-driven committees exist to serve a vital link between the Board of Trustees and the Township’s residents, providing input into policy and decision making. Not only does the Township benefit from the talents of each participant, but committee members have expressed that they feel a greater sense of connection and unity with neighbors after becoming involved.

[widgets_on_pages id=1]Individuals from all backgrounds and professions are encouraged to apply for committee appointment; the variety provides a cross section of the community that brings diverse insight and talent. Some of the work currently being completed by committees include visioning and planning for a parks master plan, monitoring current events relating to EMS services in Delaware County, and planning for the development of a new police station.

Existing Committees:

  • Parks Advisory Committee
  • Police Advisory Committee
  • Fire/Rescue/EMS Advisory Committee
  • Audit Advisory Committee
  • Finance Advisory Committee
  • Investment Advisory Committee
  • Zoning Commission
  • Board of Zoning Appeals

Application process: Visit and complete a simple online application which includes uploading a resume by January 15, 2018. Trustees will review the applications and applicants will be notified of their decisions in the spring. Those selected for appointment to a committee will begin their terms on April 1, 2019.

Time Commitment: The day and time each committee meets varies. Typically, groups meet one time per month on a weekday evening. Occasionally committees host events or special meetings in addition to their regular schedule. The term of appointment ranges from two to five years depending on the committee.
Other opportunities: If a committee appointment doesn’t feel like the right fit, there are more opportunities to get to know neighbors while serving the Township.

·  CITIZENS FIRE ACADEMY- Climbing ladders, driving fire trucks, and using the Jaws of Life to tear apart a car are just a few of the activities residents will get to experience during the Citizen’s Fire Academy. The Academy will meet Monday evenings 7:00-9:00pm for 12 weeks between March and June. The program won’t make participants firefighters, but it will be educational, fun, and, at times, challenging. Participants must be a minimum of 18 years of age and pass a background check. Apply online at

·  CITIZENS POLICE ACADEMY- Become a member of the Citizen Police Academy’s 13th class. Convening Tuesdays from 7:00- 9:00p.m. beginning in March for 10 weeks, officers and residents both enjoy the opportunity to get to know one another. During the course, participants will visit the county jail, go shooting at the firing range and more. Participants must be a minimum of 18 years of age and pass a background check. There is no charge for this course. Apply online at:

·  VOLUNTEER- Events like the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Trick or Treat Village delight the Township’s youngest residents and are made possible by a team of committed volunteers. Join this roster to be called upon to help with future event set-up, activities, and more. Contact [email protected].

·  COMMUNITY GARDENING- Become a member of the Township’s community garden located at Worthington Road Park. Plots vary in size and associated fees are as follows: 10’ x 15’ ($20); 15’ x 20’ ($40); 20’ x 30’ ($80). Water access, tiller, shovels, rakes, and wheel barrows are provided. Learn more at

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