The Delaware SWCD is pleased to announce that registration is now open for “Grant Writing 101/102: Finding the Right Funder and Writing a Winning Proposal.

The interactive workshop, sponsored by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (OEPA) Office of Environmental Education and the Delaware Soil and Water Conservation District, will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14. The first part of the workshop is entitled, “Finding the Right Funder.” Participants will learn prospecting tips to help them identify foundations, corporations, and government grant programs, along with how to best approach the various types of grantmakers. “Writing a Winning Proposal,” will be the focus of the second half of the workshop. Avoiding common mistakes will be discussed, as well as how to develop realistic objectives, activities, and budgets.

To learn more about OEEF, visit or call 614-644-2873. While the OEEF process will be highlighted in the afternoon session, the information shared will be extremely useful and easily adapted to any other grant program.

The workshop is limited to 30 participants, and registration is by email only at [email protected]. The deadline is April 10, 2020 (or until the workshop is full). When registering, please include the best phone number for reaching you. Lunch is on your own.

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