By 1808Delaware

On Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM, the Delaware City Planning Commission will convene to discuss a range of topics including developments and zoning.

The Boulder Farms Development

One of the most significant items on the agenda is a request by Route 36 Partners LLC & Section Line Partners LLC for a two-year extension to the approved Preliminary Development Plan for Boulder Farms. This 138.4-acre site, located at the southeast corner of US 36 and South Section Line Road, was initially approved for a mixed-use residential and commercial development. The plan included up to 620 residential units and approximately 10.24 acres of commercial development.

The developers are now seeking more time to bring their vision to life. While the extension could be seen as a delay, it also provides an opportunity for the city to reassess the project’s impact. The site is zoned A-1 (Agricultural District), and its development could significantly alter the landscape, affecting adjacent properties zoned for various uses, including Farm Residential and Planned Commercial Districts.

Byers Ford Expansion: A Boost for Local Economy?

Another noteworthy item on the agenda is a request by GWB Realty LLC for the expansion of Byers Ford on approximately 3.248 acres located on the west side of Havens Road. The proposed expansion aims to add a commercial vehicle service building and additional vehicle parking. This could potentially bring more jobs to the area and boost the local economy. However, the expansion also raises questions about traffic management and environmental impact, especially considering the proposed new access point from Havens Road.

The Big Four Depot Revival

RiverWest Partners LLC has submitted multiple requests concerning the former C.C.C. & I. Railroad Depot located at 60 Lake Street. The property, currently un-zoned and previously within the railroad right-of-way, could be transformed into a Community Business District with a Planned Mixed Use Overlay District. This could serve as a bridge between the city’s historical roots and its modern aspirations. The property is adjacent to various business districts and lies within the Transitional subdistrict of the Historic District Overlay, making it a prime location for a project that blends the old with the new.

Photos of the Depot, taken two years ago by 1808Delaware, are below.

Kilbourne Road Site Plan

The Kilbourne Road Site Plan, requested by Metro Development for review, is perhaps one of the most ambitious projects on the Planning Commission’s agenda. Spanning approximately 230.70 acres at the northwest corner of the State Route 521 and Byxbe Parkway roundabout, this development has the potential to redefine residential living in Delaware City. The site straddles two townships—Delaware and Brown—with varying zoning designations, adding a layer of complexity to the project.

The proposed concept plan outlines a mixed residential development that aims to cater to diverse housing needs. It includes approximately 51.5 acres designated for 50-, 55-, and 60-foot detached single-family lots, and another 20.5 acres for 40-foot detached single-family lots. But the innovation doesn’t stop there; the plan also proposes two types of multi-family developments. The first encompasses around 55.3 acres for ranch-style apartments, estimated to house approximately 435 units. The second allocates about 22.8 acres for multi-story apartments, with an estimated 360 units.

One of the most striking features of the Kilbourne Road Site Plan is its commitment to green space. A whopping 80.6 acres are earmarked for parkland, open spaces, and buffer areas, complete with connecting pathways throughout the development site. This open space would also serve a functional purpose, providing the required right-of-way to extend Byxbe Parkway, which may necessitate a bridge to cross the adjacent railroad tracks.

The project’s location also brings into focus the broader urban planning context. Adjacent to the site are the Old Colony and Kensington subdivisions, zoned as R-3 (One-Family Residential District). Properties to the south are undergoing annexation and are likely to be rezoned, while those to the east and north maintain their Farm Residential and Planned Industrial District zoning, respectively.

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