By: 1808Delaware

There are small dams and big dams.

In Delaware County, the largest of these is Alum Creek Dam, which was built between 1970 and 1974. The dam is known as a “rolled earth embankment” dam and is 10,000 feet in length with a maximum height of 93 feet.

If you have ever wondered about the mechanics of dam operation, and why Alum Creek Lake was created, here’s your chance to find out with an in-person visit.

Join the Alum Creek Rangers this Saturday at 10:30 AM for a tour of the inner workings of the dam and learn how it impacts your day to day life. Meet in the Below Dam Recreation Area (4189 Lewis Center Road) by the sidewalk leading up to the dam.

Additional tours will be held on August 22 and September 19.

Image by Daina Krumins from Pixabay

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