Special to 1808Delaware

The following letter concerning electric rate increases has been shared by Orange Township:

Orange Township Residents:

You may have recently received communication from AEP Ohio regarding upcoming increases to your electric rate.

These increases pertain to the transmission and distribution portions of your electric bill.  The charges are utility related and will apply to all residents in the AEP Ohio utility footprint.

Please note, these increases are not associated with the Township’s electric aggregation program.  The savings achieved by residents currently participating in the program far exceeds these upcoming utility increases.

If you are not currently participating in the Township’s aggregation program and would like to be enrolled, please contact Trebel Energy at 877-861-2772 or Archer Energy at 844-795-7491.  Mention you are a resident of Orange Township and would like to participate in the program.

Here’s what you need to know:

Transmission:  AEP Ohio is investing in new transmission lines to better serve customers. Many of the high-voltage transmission lines AEP Ohio relies on to serve customers are antiquated and are nearing the end of their expected life. Updating the transmission infrastructure is necessary to help prevent power outages and protect against threats to the electric grid.  This enhancement project will also support new jobs and economic growth.

What to Expect:  A typical residential customer using 1,000 kWh of electricity per month will see the Transmission Service line item on their electric bill increase by approximately $10 per month beginning on April 1st.

Distribution:  AEP Ohio filed an Electric Security Plan (ESP) stipulation with the PUCO last year that will support improving reliability and implement programs to help customers reduce energy usage and save money.

What to Expect:  If the plan is approved as submitted, customers will see an average monthly increase of about $1.50 on their bill beginning in late 2024.

To find out more regarding these changes please visit //AEPOhio.com/BillChanges

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