On Tuesday evening, Powell City Council will hold the second reading of an ordinance that proposes extending the time frame for restricted left turns at the Olentangy and Liberty Street intersection from 7 AM to 7 PM daily.

 The City Council meeting will be held at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 47 Hall Street.

This proposed ordinance follows a public forum that was held in June where dozens of residents provided feedback on whether or not to extend the time frame of the restricted left turns.

“We have taken a number of steps the past few years to improve traffic flow and the safety of pedestrians in our downtown with the completion of the Murphy Parkway extension, the addition of traffic signals and installing wayfinding signage,” said City Manager Steve Lutz. “Extending the restricted time frame is one of the recommended steps in our Keep Powell Moving Plan.”

The Keep Powell Moving Initiative is an effort to improve traffic circulation and increase walkability in the City’s downtown.

The public is welcome to attend.

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