By 1808Delaware

While Delaware County currently enjoys a relatively lower COVID infection rate compared to other Ohio counties, there are indications that the virus is reaching the county’s younger population in higher percentages.

As reported by The Delaware Gazette on Wednesday, it was shared that the November report of the Delaware Public Health District revealed that the county’s per capita rate of new cases and hospitalizations were the lowest in surrounding counties. That article can be read here.

The same post did state, however, that “…a bar chart showing cases by age from Oct. 30-Nov. 13 indicated that the most cases were among children 9 years old and under, followed closely by those aged 10-19.”

This increase in cases involving young Delaware Countians is echoed in reported school cases when those numbers were released Wednesday by the Ohio Department of Health.

A total of 154 new COVID cases were identified last week in Delaware County Schools — of those, 138 were student cases and 16 were reported for school staff positions.

The six districts or buildings reporting infections were as follows (first number represents student cases, and then staff cases):

Big Walnut — 24, 1
Buckeye Valley — 8, 0
DACC — 0, 1
Delaware City — 25, 3
Olentangy — 75, 11
St. Paul — 6, 0

In our last reporting of school cases on October 8, that total number stood at 85, downtown from 130 the week before.

Among the county’s nursing homes and assisted living facilities, there were a total of 11 residents and 10 staff member infections reported, all at Country View of Sunbury.

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