By 1808Delaware, Ohio Department of Education

The students and staff at Delaware City Schools’ Schultz Elementary have plenty of reason to be proud this week.

That school joined a long line of Delaware County school buildings that have been recognized by the Ohio Department of Education for their efforts in supporting connections between the community and those in the armed services. In the case of Schultz, that means receiving a Purple Star Award.

The Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on site.

A school will be honored with the Purple Star Award if it completes all the required activities, plus one optional activity, listed below.


  • The school must have a staff point of contact for military students and families who serves as the primary liaison between them and the school.
  • The liaison completes professional development on special considerations for military students and families under federal law. The Military Children in Ohio’s Schools course is available on the ODE learning management system and may be used to complete this requirement.
  • The liaison identifies and informs teachers of the military-connected students in their classrooms and the special considerations military families and students should receive.
  • The school maintains a dedicated page on its website featuring resources for military families.


  • The school provides professional development for additional staff on special considerations for military students and families.
  • The local school board passes a resolution publicizing the school’s support for military children and families.
  • The school hosts a military recognition event that demonstrates a military-friendly culture.

Schultz Elementary was the only new local award winner this year, joining other buildings around Ohio in receiving this honor.

Renewal Purple Star Designations went to the following Delaware County schools as well:

Big Walnut Middle School
Big Walnut Local Schools

Hylen Souders Elementary School
Big Walnut Local Schools

Liberty Middle School
Olentangy Local Schools

Olentangy High School
Olentangy Local Schools

Olentangy Hyatts Middle School
Olentangy Local Schools

Olentangy Shanahan Middle School
Olentangy Local Schools

Westerville North High School
Westerville City Schools

The announcement video can be viewed below.

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