It’s one thing when students learn conceptually about the “how-to” aspects of a given field. It’s another thing entirely when they engage in work which provides a boost to a real world company – particularly a non-profit water utility.

Delaware Area Career Center Digital Design Students Chris Skomra, Gibson Davis, Avery Latta, and Cyrus Adkins recently completed a video for Del-Co Water about a major plant expansion project.[widgets_on_pages id=1] DACC and Del-Co Water have an ongoing partnership where DACC students provide video and digital marketing materials to Del-Co, and Del-Co Water funds two annual scholarships for the digital design program. In 2016, the DACC produced video for Del-Co Water received a student Emmy award.

According to the DACC website, the Digital Design program is a two year college-prep line of study that “…offers hands-on application, state of the art technologies, and individualized circiculum. Students are given the opportunity to train on state of the art equipment, including a photo/video production studio.

The new DACC-produced video may be viewed on YouTube here.

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