By 1808Delaware

News arrived this week that 1808Delaware’s membership in LION Publishers has been approved for another year.

LION Publishers is the country’s leading consortium of independent news publishers that are providing a creative response to the decline of traditional publications. According to its website, its mission is expressed this way: “LION provides teaching, resources and community to independent news entrepreneurs as they build and develop sustainable businesses.”

At present there are approximately 450 LION members. Each applies on an annual basis to continue their membership. Members receive a variety of benefits including coaching and funding opportunities, award eligibility, ability to engage in peer support networks, and more. Some LION publications have been in operation for over a decade, while some are brand-new. Student publications, non-profit operations, and media sites covering specific sectors of society are very much included.

More information on the organization can be found on its website. 1808Delaware first became a member of LION a year ago. 1812Blockhouse, also published by Total|Local Media, is also a renewed member. Ohio has ten LION publications on the current membership list, including the following in addition to 1812Blockhouse and 1808Delaware:

  • BG Independent News – Bowling Green
  • Matter News – Columbus
  • MedicateOH – Cincinnati
  • The Buckeye Flame – Cleveland
  • Columbus Underground – Columbus
  • The Land – Cleveland
  • – Granville
  • Richland Source – Mansfield

We’re proud to be recognized by this membership, and honored to be counted among many of the country’s leading independent news outlets.

Source: LION Publishers; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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