By 1808Delaware

Now that local voters have authorized the City of Delaware to form an aggregation program for the purchase of electricity, the City is reaching out to the public to inform residents and utility customers about next steps in the process.

In November, voters considered the following question – “Shall the City of Delaware have the authority to aggregate the retail electric loads located in the City of Delaware and, for that purpose, enter into service agreements to facilitate for those loads the sale and purchase of electricity, such aggregation to occur automatically except where any person elects to opt out?” and voted in the affirmative.

No, the City can negotiate with a utility to obtain bulk purchase rates for electricity on behalf of its residents and businesses through a municipal aggregation program.

To that end, the City will be holding two public meetings next week to provide information. Both meetings will be held in Council Chambers in the Delaware City Hall at the corner of William and Sandusky Streets. The first will be on Wednesday, January 18 at 6:30 PM, and the second the following day at 2:00 PM.

Both will be opportunities for residents to meet energy broker/ consultant, Energy Alliances, and learn more about aggregation and the timeline the City will be following moving forward in 2023.

Aggregation information can be found here:  and

Source: City of Delaware

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