November has been a busy month for City of Delaware parks and natural resources projects.

A trail loop at Boulder Park, the City’s newest park at the corner of Houk Road and the Boulder Drive extension, is complete and open for users. The trail is just under one mile in length and curves through woods and a field meadow. The surface is a combination of asphalt, crushed stone and a grass section. The grass section in the northwest corner of the park was left that way for a potential future wetland/pond feature

A more permanent trail section would be extended into the wetland/pond area to add some diversity to the trail.

Natural play areas located off the path will be completed by staff this winter. Plans also call for an obstacle course with 8-10 stations. The open meadow, visible from Boulder, will remain and be allowed to develop as a prairie feature. Residents provided input on park features through citizen engagement and open houses.

Work sessions with neighbors and park users also were instrumental in plans for Ross Street Park, 50 Ross Street. This month, a vacant equipment storage facility once use by the City’s Parks and Natural Resources Department is being razed to make room for additional greenspace, landscaping and parking in 2021. Other amenities include a loop trail and exercise stations.

Elsewhere, a new play surface of turf and poured rubber has been installed at the Veterans Park playground, 1121 S. Houk Road.

Finally, this month American Electric Power is relocating utility poles along W. Central Avenue, between Houk Road and Lexington Boulevard. The work is in advance of the City’s Locust Curve multi-use path connector project taking place along West Central in 2021. The link will help connect West side neighborhoods and provide safer recreation and shopping access.

Source: City of Delaware

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