Special to 1808Delaware

City of Delaware Parks and Recreation presents Trails and Treats, a family-friendly Halloween event, Saturday, October 23 from 5 PM to 7 PM at Mingo Park. Put on your favorite costume and bring your friends and neighbors to enjoy an evening of Halloween fun. Festivities include a pumpkin patch, music, and food trucks, and trunk or treat.

Trunk or treat participating organizations include Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Delaware Community Center YMCA, Delaware County Library, Delaware County Prosecutors Office, Preservation Parks, and the City of Delaware Fire and Police Departments.

Trunk or treat and the pumpkin patch will be open from 5 PM to 7 PM and food trucks will remain in the park until 8 PM.

Residents can also register ahead of the event for a drive-in movie showing of Hotel Transylvania, rated PG. The showing will begin at 7:30 PM with registration is $10 per car. Tickets are pre-registration only as space is limited and no tickets will be sold at the event. ­

“This is a night when friends and neighbors can come together in spirit of fun and celebrate the season” said Recreation Program Superintendent Mike Hamer.

The City of Delaware encourages parents to utilize good Halloween safety practices during this event and during the upcoming trick-or-treat night, which is October 31 from 6-8 PM in the City of Delaware, rain or shine. Remember, take only wrapped candy or treats, wash your hands when finished trick or treating before eating candy, and avoid giving out or taking if you’re feeling sick or have symptoms of COVID-19.

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