From the shores of Lake Erie to the rolling hills of Appalachia, there is an exciting opportunity for teenagers looking to explore the outdoors.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) is looking for highly motivated high school students to serve on the Conservation Teen Advisory Council (conTAC). ConTAC is a statewide network of student leaders working together to enhance ODNR’s youth outreach and program efforts.

“This a great opportunity for ambitious young people to jumpstart their future careers with skills that transfer to any profession,” said ODNR Director Mary Mertz.

ConTAC members will develop innovative and practical ideas that empower young people to protect and preserve Ohio’s natural resources, provide feedback and make recommendations to enhance outdoor outreach. Council members will also get the chance to explore careers in the natural resources sector and develop valuable networking and leadership skills.


A new class of 30 teens will be selected to serve on conTAC for the 2020-2021 academic year. Several founding members will also continue serving as the group moves into its second year. Membership will reflect the diverse interests of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the State of Ohio.


A special, virtual kick-off event will be held in August 2020. The Council is split into five regional teams which will meet monthly, either virtually or in-person as long as it is safe to do so.


Students enrolled in high school for the 2020-2021 school year are eligible to apply. ConTAC is a great place for students to meet new peers, virtually or in-person, from across the state with similar interests.

How to Apply

High school students for the 2020-2021 school year interested in conTAC should go to for information on how to apply. Applications are due by June 5, 2020.

Source: ODNR

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