By Cole Hatcher

Ohio Wesleyan University’s Perkins Observatory is planning an enlightening July with a lecture on “The Hunt for Alien Worlds” and two “Celebration of the Sun” events.

David Martin, Ph.D., of The Ohio State University’s Department of Astronomy, will present the month’s New Vistas in Astronomy lecture at 8 PM on July 15. Martin will discuss “The Hunt For Alien Worlds – More Than Three Decades Of Extra-Solar Planet Searches.”

Also in July, Perkins Observatory will host “Celebration of the Sun” events at 2 PM on July 24 and July 31. The daytime celebrations will replace the observatory’s Friday night skywatches for the month, as the sun sets too late to schedule evening programs.

Weather permitting, those attending the sun celebrations will discuss and observe the day star using special telescopes and eclipse glasses. Though it is unsafe to look at the sun without appropriate eye protection, guests may be able to observe sunspots and solar prominences – explosions on the sun’s surface – under the supervision of Perkins staff and volunteers.

Other “Celebration of the Sun” activities may include rocket launches, sundial demonstrations, views of a 1,000-yard model of the solar system, and tours of the observatory.

Perkins Observatory will resume its Friday skywatches at 9 p.m. Aug. 6. Weather permitting, these events include observing the sky using the observatory’s 32-inch Schottland Telescope.

All events will be held at the observatory, 3199 Columbus Pike (U.S. 23), Delaware. Tickets are $10 per person for the lecture and for each of the “Celebration of the Sun” events.

Reservations are required for all Perkins Observatory events, as many programs sell out. To check availability and reserve tickets, call (740) 363-1257.

Founded in 1923, Perkins Observatory is an active research facility used by Ohio Wesleyan students and faculty. “The Place for Space” also conducts hundreds of public programs and welcomes tens of thousands of visitors each year. Learn more at

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