Special to 1808Delaware

Delaware County is now accepting applications for a grant program that will help qualified homeowners replace wood windows and doors that may be a source of lead contamination. The Lead Safe Ohio Grant Program provides up to $50,000 per home to remove wood window assemblies and wood exterior door assemblies and replace them with new vinyl windows and steel/fiberglass doors.

“The applicant must be the owner and occupant of the house they’re applying for and meet income and a few other eligibility requirements,” said Justin Nahvi, the Delaware County Commissioners’ Director of Finance, who is managing the program for the County. The funds are available from the Ohio Department of Development.

The income eligibility standards range from $57,900 for a one-person household to $109,100 for an 8-person household. Applications, which are available at https://co.delaware.oh.us/delco-lead-safe/, will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis until all available grant funds are allotted.

Assistance in completing the application is available. For more information, interested parties can go to https://co.delaware.oh.us/delco-lead-safe/ or email [email protected].

For more information about Lead Safe Ohio, go to: https://development.ohio.gov/community/housing-and-homelessness/lead-safe-ohio-program.

Source: Delaware County

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