By 1808Delaware

Delaware City Council is set to convene at 7:00 PM on Monday in the Council Chambers for a significant meeting featuring several legislative items. The agenda includes public hearings and considerations on ordinances affecting taxation, departmental responsibilities, zoning amendments, and budget allocations.

Repealing Section 192.081: Addressing Capital Improvement Funding

The Council will hold the third reading of Ordinance No. 24-100, which proposes repealing Section 192.081 of the Delaware Codified Ordinances. This section pertains to the city’s residential tax credit.

The repeal follows the unsuccessful tax levy measure from the November 2024 general election, which was intended to provide funding for capital improvements. In preparation for this outcome, the Council had previously passed Resolution 24-50, indicating its intent to repeal Section 192.081 if the ballot measure failed. Eliminating the tax credit is seen as a means to address the funding needs for essential infrastructure projects.

A public hearing will accompany the reading, giving residents a chance to voice their opinions on the proposed repeal and its potential implications for taxpayers.

Clarifying Roles in Public Works

Ordinance No. 25-03 aims to redefine the responsibilities of the Public Works Director and City Engineer within the Public Works Department.

Since 2012, the Public Works Director has also acted as the City Engineer, combining the two roles to streamline operations and reduce silos. However, the city’s continued growth and increasing demand for engineering services have prompted the Council to reconsider this arrangement.

Under the proposed ordinance, the Public Works Director will oversee the department, while a dedicated City Engineer will manage day-to-day engineering operations. This restructuring is intended to ensure efficiency and meet the city’s expanding infrastructure needs.

Donovan Farms Zoning Amendment

Council will consider Ordinance No. 25-04, which involves a zoning and development text amendment for the Donovan Farms development.

The 76.97-acre site, located at 1723 South Section Line Road and west of South Houk Road, has been the subject of multiple approvals over the past two years, including a rezoning amendment and development plan approvals for 255 single-family detached units.

The latest proposal seeks to amend the Planned Mixed-Use Overlay to allow for 2.33 acres of future commercial development along South Houk Road. This area was originally designated for multi-family residential use. The amendment reflects the evolving vision for Donovan Farms, which integrates single-family homes, multi-family units, and commercial spaces to create a mixed-use community.

Reallocating Tax Rates for Budget Year 2026

Resolution No. 25-05 addresses the reallocation of tax levy amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission for the 2025 tax year, impacting the 2026 budget year.

Since the early 1980s, the city’s inside millage has allocated 2.1 mills to the General Fund and 0.3 mills each to the Police and Fire Pension Funds. With these pension obligations now paid off as of 2024, the Council proposes reallocating the 0.3 mills from both pension funds to the General Fund.

This change is projected to increase General Fund property tax revenues by approximately $500,000 in 2026, bolstering resources for city operations and services.

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